Bishop of MIddlesbrough
Rt Rev Terence Patrick Drainey
Tel: 01642 818253
Bishop’s PA – Dawn Cummings
Tel: 01642 850505 ext 257
Stewardship & Adminstration
Rev Peter Warren
Tel: 01642 850505 x225/257
Finance Department
John A Walton
Tel: 01642 850505 x223
Property Department
Sharon Westcough
Tel: 01642 850505 x240
Diocesan Schools Service
Kate Bailey
Tel: 01642 850505 x228/229
Diocesan Pilgrimages
Lourdes Pilgrimage – Keith Tillotson
Tel: 01642 324043
Walsingham and other pilgrimages – Rev Canon Patrick Hartnett
Tel: 01642 850505
Bishop’s Council for Adult Formation
Rev David Cross
Tel: 01642 850505 ext 241
Youth Service
Philip Cunnah
Tel: 01642 850505 x227
Diocesan Communications Team
Michael McGeary
Tel: 01642 850505 x258
Ministers of the Word/Holy Communion
David Cross
Tel: 01642 850505 x241
Jacqui Drysdale
Tel: 01642 850505 ext 243/263
Diocesan Archives
David Smallwood
Tel: 01642 293869