Parish Presbytery:
1 Walker Street, Whitby, YO21 1QT
Parish Priest and Pastoral Council
Rev Fr Michael Sellers
Tel: 01947 602 476
e: sthildaswhitby@rcdmidd.org.uk
Finance Committee
Pauline Taylor
Tel: 07772 366539
Sacristan & General Enquiries – English Martyrs, Sleights
Kath Nellis
Tel: 07846 204575
Ministries of the Word and Eucharist
Mary Robinson
Tel: 01947 810562
Commissioned Lay Funeral Minister / Minister of the Word / Minister of the Eucharist
Gill Almack
e: gillalmack@btinternet.com
Music – English Martyrs, Sleights
Tony Hodgson
Tel: 01947 606080
Ministry of Communion and Communion to the Sick – St Hilda’s, Whitby
(vacant position)
Ministry of the Word
(vacant position)
Children’s Liturgy
Susan Boyd
Tel: 01947 601260
Adult Formation
Stephanie Slater
Tel: 01947 880883
Synod Coordination
Mike Atkinson
Tel: 07786 161199
e: tonystella00@gmail.com
Denise Murphy
Altar Servers
Malcolm Hall
Tel: 07794 024 801
Ethan Locker
Tel: 07476 230 862
Harry Baker
Tel: 07813 372 317
Tel: 01947 81120
e: sthildaswhitby@protonmail.com
Harry Baker
Tel: 07813 372317
Tel: 01947 81120
e: sthildaswhitby@protonmail.com
St Vincent de Paul (SVP)
Clare Dalton
Tel: 01947 881364
Asylum Seekers
Liz Atkinson
Tel: 07810 644140
Gift Aid
Maureen Eves
01947 604170
APF Mission Boxes
Mark Taylor
01947 600319 / 07776 115160
Ann Atkinson / Patricia Camm
Tel: 01947 604793/01947 601204
e: ann.atkinson21@btinternet.com
Churches Together
Patricia Camm
Tel: 01947 601204
CTS Publications
(vacant position)
Stella Maris
Bob Gill
Tel: 07377 426679
e: jamesgill810@btinternet.com
Website / Social Media
Enquiries and any technical issues with the website please contact:
Harry Baker
Tel: 07813 372317
Tel: 01947 811200
e: sthildaswhitby@protonmail.com