Weekly Bulletin
St Hilda’s Parish, Whitby
We always have a cup of tea or coffee & biscuits & cakes in the
Parish Centre on Walker Street (behind St Hilda’s
church) after the 10:30 Mass on Sundays
please join us.
You are asked to please keep a prayerful silence in church
before and after Mass.
Thank You
This Week’s Celebrations & Intentions
Mon 30th St. Jerome
Tues 1st St. Therese of the Child Jesus
Wed 2nd The Holy Guardian Angels
Thurs 3rd Feria
Fri 4th St Francis of Assisi
Sat 5th Feria
Sun 6th 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time
St Hilda’s
Wed 2nd 10.00 am Donor’s Intention
Fri 4th 10.00 am Donor’s Intention
Sun 6th 10.30 am Donor’s Intention
English Martyrs
Tues 1st 7.00 pm Donor’s Intention
Sun 6th 9.00 am Donor’s Intention
CONFESSIONS will be the first Saturday of the Month in St. Hilda’s from 10.30 to 11.00
1st Reading: A reading from the book of Numbers (11: 25-29) Are you jealous on my account? If only the whole people of the Lord were prophets!
Response: The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart.
2nd Reading: A reading from the letter of St James (5:1-6 Your wealth is all rotting
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia! Your word is truth, O Lord, Consecrate us in the truth Alleluia!
The Gospel: A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark (9:38-43 45.47-48) Anyone who is not against us is for us. If your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off.
COLLECTION (7 weeks to 16th Sept) £4378.50 – Thank you
29th SEPTEMBER 2024
Please keep in your prayers all those who are suffering as a result of conflict throughout the world.
TWITTER St. Hilda’s has a twitter account @StHildaRCWhitby. If you have a twitter account please consider following us. It’s easy & free to create a Twitter account so please click on the Twitter icon to either log on & follow us or create a new account & follow us for all the latest news & updates.
PARISH WEBSITE For Mass times and other information, please visit the parish website, which is frequently updated. If you type ‘catholic whitby’ into Google you will find a link to St.Hilda’s website at the top of the list : http://www.sthildascatholicwhitby.com
ROSARY The Rosary will be recited in St. Hilda’s at 9.40 am before Mass every Wednesday and at English Martyrs, Sleights at 6.40 pm before Mass every Tuesday.
MOVING IN – Fr. Michael I wish to extend a warm welcome, on behalf of the parish, to Father Michael Sellers. I’m sure his priesthood will benefit the parish and through his ministry he will help you to get to know Jesus in his own caring way. Please keep him in your prayers so that he will have a happy priesthood among you.
MOVING OUT – Fr. Pat Bidding farewell is not easy. It is something we never fully grow accustomed to doing. My earthly mission here in St. Hilda’s and English Martyrs is now over. I have been entrusted as a priest with the mission of making the love of God known in the parish. I have travelled with you for twelve years. I know that many of you are weakened by the trials, suffering and disappointments of life. I hope that I have in some small way helped to lighten the burdens that have come your way. God’s blessing always. Father Pat.
URGENT FOOD BANK Donations are urgently needed. Please leave donations in the box at the back of church.
MASS MONDAY 30th SEPT. There will be a Mass this Monday at 10.00 am for the intentions of the Parishioners
KATIE DOHERTY CONCERT Many thanks to everyone supported last night’s concert, making it a very enjoyable evening and raising money for the Lourdes sick fund.
HELP WITH REFRESHMENTS AFTER SUNDAY MASS Anyone who is willing to help with this, please see Angela Wilson in the parish centre. Thank you.
STAND WITH UKRAINE UK Oleg, head of this organisation wishes to express a heartfelt thank you to the parishioners for their very generous donations of medications for Ukraine. The medications have been delivered to the south of Ukraine, to both hospitals and soldiers, who describe paracetamol as ‘gold dust’.
INSPIRATIONAL STUDY DAY FOR MINISTERS OF THE WORD AND HOLY COMMUNION Saturday 19th Oct. Spa Conference Centre, Scarborough 09:20 -15.00 As you know, all Ministers of the Word and Eucharist are encouraged to attend one study day each year. This will be the only such day offered in our Diocese in 2024 and at which new Ministers will also be commissioned. Please attend if you are able. Registration forms are in the Sacristies at St Hilda’s and English Martyrs for you to complete, stating your Ministry, any dietary requirements and whether you require transport or can provide it. There is no cost to the day which will be covered by the Parish.
HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS If you would like to receive Holy Communion at home or in a care home. Contact Gill Almack or Fr. Pat.
CATHOLIC VOICE is now available. Please take a copy
DIGITAL GIVING You may have noticed the new contactless card reader just inside the side access door. This is a new way to make donations, including candles and piety. Offertory donations can also be made this way. This method of payment provides an alternative and is not a replacement. It also accepts gift aid and your details only have to inputted once. Thank you for your continued support.
ONLINE DONATIONS can be made using the QR provided overleaf. This includes Offertory, Candles, Piety and general donations.
BULLETIN Should you have an item of news for the bulletin please email to Pauline Taylor (taylorpauline1802@gmail.com) All items to be approved by Fr. Pat before inclusion
PRAYER INTENTIONS. Your prayer intentions posted at the back of church will occasionally be taken to the altar as part of the offertory
Toilet facilities at St.Hildas are in the Sacristy and to the right (follow the signs) and at English Martyrs they are in the porch
Please do not leave handbags unattended
Sadly not everyone may be in church for the same reasons as you