Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path .
(Psalms 119:105)
Each Minister of the Word fulfils an important role at Mass and other services, walking up to the altar and reading from the lectern to the congregation gathered. They read aloud the assigned Bible passage for the day, so that all the congregation can hear God’s Word.
On Sundays the Minister (or Ministers) of the Word read:
- The First Reading from the Old Testament
- The Responsorial Psalm (usually three or four verses)
- The Second Reading from the New Testament
- The Acclamation before the Gospel is read by the priest.
After the Creed is spoken together, the Minister of the Word then reads the Prayer of the Faithful. In our parish at the end of each of the Bidding Prayers the priest says “Lord hear us“ and the congregation responds “Lord, graciously hear us.“
Ministers of the Word are appointed by the Parish Priest. The lay co-ordinator is responsible for the day to day organisation of the weekly rota and circulates this to all involved. If a particular minister is not available for that date, then they arrange for another Minister to replace them.
The present Order of Readings for Mass is on a three-year cycle arrangement of biblical readings, thematically linked together, that provides the faithful with a wide knowledge of God’s Word.. Throughout the liturgical year, but especially during the seasons of Easter, Lent, and Advent, the choice and sequence of readings are aimed at giving Christ’s faithful an ever-deepening perception of the faith they profess and of the history of salvation.
Each year there is a Diocese Inspirational Day that the Ministers of the Word and Eucharist are invited to attend to deepen their understanding of their ministry and to be commissioned, or re-commissioned if they have attended the session on a previous occasion.
For more information or if you wish to volunteer, please contact our Ministry of the Word coordinator:
Sandra Turner
Tel: 01947 602938
Email: santurner@btinternet.com