Weekly Bulletin

St Hilda’s Parish, Whitby


We always have a cup of tea or coffee & biscuits & cakes in the
Parish Centre on Walker Street (behind St Hilda’s
church) after the 10:30 Mass on Sundays
please join us.

You are asked to please keep a prayerful silence in church
before and after Mass.

Thank You

This Week’s Celebrations & Intentions

Mon 24th The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Tues 25th  Feria
Wed 26th   Feria
Thurs 27th Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
Fri 28th Feria
Sat 29th Feria
Sun 30th Ss. Peter & Paul

St Hilda’s

Mon 24th 10.00 am The Nativity of John the Baptist

Wed 26th 10.00 am Tony & Audrey Rhea

Fri 28th 10.00 am Heather Howard (Birthday)

Sun 30th 10.30 am Deceased parishioners

English Martyrs

Tues 25th 7.00 pm James Kelly R.I.P.

Sun 30th 9.00 am Stephen Collier (recently deceased)

CONFESSIONS will be the first Saturday of the Month in St. Hilda’s from 10.30 to 11.00

1st Reading: A reading from the book of Job (3.8-11) Here your proud waves shall break.

Response: O give thanks to the Lord,For his love endures forever.

2nd Reading: A reading from the second letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians (5.14-17) Now the new creation is here

Gospel Acclamation:

Alleluia, alleluia! May the father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our minds, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us. Alleluia!

The Gospel: A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark (4:35 -41) Who can this be? Even the wind and sea obey him.

COLLECTION (4 Weeks to 13th June) 2.531.96 – Thank you



23rd JUNE 2024

Please keep in your prayers all those who are suffering as a result of conflict throughout the world.

TWITTER St. Hilda’s has a twitter account @StHildaRCWhitby. If you have a twitter account please consider following us. It’s easy & free to create a Twitter account so please click on the Twitter icon to either log on & follow us or create a new account & follow us for all the latest news & updates.

ROSARY The Rosary will be recited in St. Hilda’s at 9.40 am before Mass every Wednesday and at English Martyrs, Sleights at 6.40 pm before Mass every Tuesday.

SOUP AND BINGO EVENING On Wednesday, 6th June we held a second bingo event to raise funds in support of the asylum seekers who we will host on Saturday 6th July and September 14th. Everyone enjoyed a mug of soup and a tasty cake, donated by parishioners. Their kindness was replicated in the large number of raffle prizes donated. So far, an amazing £410.00 has been raised. Some of this will be shared among the asylum seekers who are desperate to work so they can support themselves and their families. In supporting them we are all following Christ’s teaching. Thank you

URGENT FOOD BANK Donations are urgently needed.  Please leave donations in the box at the back of church.  Please help if you can

THE PRIESTS CONCERT An exclusive concert by The Priests is taking place at St. Mary’s Cathedral Middlesbrough on Friday June 28th. They have just announced that this will be their last year singing together. Tickets range from £22.50 -£27.50 and to book call 01642 597750 or email cathedralevents@rcdmidd.org.uk Hurry, they’re selling fast!

S.V.P. The next SVP meeting for members is planned for Wednesday 3 July at 6.30 pm.

POSTGATE RALLY This will take place on Sunday 7th July at Ugthorpe. Hymns at 2.30pm followed by Mass at 3pm. The preacher will be Cardinal Roche.

ASYLUM SEEKERS. We have invited 2 groups of asylum seekers. They will be coming on 6th July and14th September. Everyone is welcome to join them on the day. They usually arrive around 10.30. you can spend all or part of the day with them. Thanks to all who contributed towards or took part in the bingo and raffle we made £415. The boxes are still in the back of the church for donations of toiletries and rice, stock cubes, tinned tomatoes and tinned fish…we are very short of the food items. Thank-you again for your continued support.

HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS If you would like to receive Holy Communion at home or in a care home. Contact Gill Almack or Fr. Pat.

MIDDLESBROUGH DIOSCESAN YEAR BOOK 2024 is now available at the back of church, at a cost of £2.

CATHOLIC VOICE is now available. Please take a copy

DIGITAL GIVING You may have noticed the new contactless card reader just inside the side access door. This is a new way to make donations, including candles and piety. Offertory donations can also be made this way. This method of payment provides an alternative and is not a replacement. It also accepts gift aid and your details only have to inputted once. Thank you for your continued support.

ONLINE DONATIONS can be made using the QR provided overleaf. This includes Offertory, Candles, Piety and general donations.

BULLETIN Should you have an item of news for the bulletin please email to Pauline Taylor (taylorpauline1802@gmail.com) All items to be approved by Fr. Pat before inclusion

PARISH WEBSITE For Mass times and other information, please visit the parish website, which is frequently updated. website: http://www.sthildascatholicwhitby.com

KEYHOLDERS There is now an obligation, as part of health and safety regulations, for all parish keyholders to complete a diocesan form. Therefore, may all keyholders contact Fr. Pat.

Further information is available on the posters displayed in church.


For every follower of Jesus there will be many occasions to launch out over troubled waters for some distant shore, at his invitation.  If we always wait for perfect conditions, we’ll accomplish little.  A fair-weather Christian will dally, while one with a burning desire to accomplish a mission will risk all in faith.  If the cause is good and faith is strong, the storm will not sink you for the Lord will be aboard and the farthest shore will be reached.  When the Master is silent (or sleeping) it’s a sign He has deep trust in you.  Give Him your complete faith and sail on.  Bon Voyage.


Toilet facilities at St.Hildas are in the Sacristy and to the right (follow the signs) and at English Martyrs  they are in the porch

Please do not leave handbags unattended

Sadly not everyone may be in church for the same reasons as you